Monday, February 16, 2009

.first '09 heartache pt.1// [caution: pretty big ass story.]

so basically..;; november 20th-'08[8:25pm]//i received a facebook messege from this female: dark brown skinn, black hair down to her shoulder; chinky eyes; ohh she was sexy, or so thats what i thought =p, an still think to this day||but enough rambling, she asks me if she's seen me anywhere, an the conversation grows, honestly, i believe i have the lowest possible ["game"] when it comes to talking to girls but damnit i tryy, an i dont look like a loser;;but some how we actually hit it off an i ended up getting her number. before you know it, were on the phone till like 3am jus talkin it up;; an then we move on to lil things like textin eachother in the morning to wake eachother up an wish eachother goodnite//by this time we havent even met eachother, thing is, she was out of school and takin a gap year working, an i was[an still am] a senior in high school. everytime the weekend comes she had to work, an so did i. finally we found time to chill,,it was saturday evening. i envited her over my house, jus to chill, an NO, i wasnt jus bringin her over to "get in", cuz i was really feelin this girl, an its been a LOOOONG, while since i actually felt that way. so she hits me up lettin me know she at the front door, an of course i let her in, she was madd short, like jus breakin the 5ft. i liked it =];; so lead her to my room. ok so im not gonna lie, we were sittin there chillin on the bed, an i was a lil nervous (O.o), but fukk it;; i jus got a lil problem with lookin stupid.--she was on the phone with sprint because apparently she got somethin fukk'd up with her mins so i was like ok, ill jus sit an let her handle that. after about 5 mins of akwardness she got off the phone, an we started talkin, she was even prettier in person...inside my head i was like yeeeeeaaaaah, jackpot.[lame i know]||she layed back an grabbed a pillow an was talkin bout what was goin on with her cell phone bill an all;we were goin back an forth about the situation an i kinda made my move, so i slid over a lil bit an layed beside her so we were like face to face, an all of a sudden she turns around! an im jus sittin there like |OH FUCK|, does my breath stink?! i cuffed my hand when she wasnt lookin took a quick whif before she could turn around, i was minty. so then i was like "whats wrong?" leaning over her, an she was sittin there smiling, i still remember that dimple on her cheek. she was so fukkn cute.--spaz moment-- |excuse me|;; ANYWHO! she said she had chinese food for lunch at work, an her breath might smell like,, shyd, i aint smell it, so i was like its all good, being me, i tried to make things progress a lil, by reaching for her phone,|BTW|[whats with girls an not lettin anybody see their phones?] cuz she deff. put up a lil fight, not a hard one though, more like, lil playful one, i finally got it, an she hopped up an started going through my stuff. an then soon kinda tackled me an bearhugged//snuggled me. it was much needed, seeing that we had been talking for a couple weeks an havent seen eachother. the night crept along an i had the house alone, so "nature" took its course.[GREAT NIGHT.] untill.... -->pt. 2 soon//

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