Tuesday, September 15, 2009

-- in my mind . . .

;; why is it . . . that the things that we desire the most are either//
A.) Something we can't have.
B.) Highly Unattainable [in some cases, for the moment]
We, (when I say we, I mean people) tend to want things that we KNOW we can't have .
Sometimes I just wonder why that might be..is it that the feeling of being able to obtain this.."difficult to reach" [thing] is gives us a high sense of accomplishment??


just thoughts of a rambler..

~ quick.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

-- such a slack..lol

-- summary: just graduated, currently looking for a job..been puttin up with alot of bullshit, but i'm getting my priorites str8. lol// BUT ANYWAY - iBeen on this MLG shit hard lately with all the free time I had.

MLG = Major League Gaming

nerdy? - fuck you. =p

I'm a big Halo 3 fan tho [for those of you who don't know, Halo 3 is the third installment to this addicting ass FPS game by Bungie for the Xbox 360]

DEFFINITIONS: FPS ~ "First Person Shooter"

Alot of people have been winning madd money though tournaments by building teams && what not, so shit, why not hop on, i'm already good at it haha.

Xbox 360 GT: QUiiCK v2 (this is my new one)

But yeah..my life is kinda on chill mode right now..lol [RIGHT NOW] at least . . .

~ quick.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

-- crazy month .

-- geez;;got damn i been slackin;;
//but whats been goin on lately?!?, ed mcmahon(
spelling),farrah fawcett, michael muthafuckin jackson && the oxiclean dude billy mays all dead this month.//its really time to get life together people, shit aint no joke now a dayz, then again, it never was.

RIP - - fallen ones

but coming back to the blog, alot of shit going on, && more to come, so ima be updating real soon, also, you big time online shoppers or future online shoppers need to hit me up!! i got the hook up on the latest gear so you need to hop on dat.

lets get it in kids!, its cake season babyyyy!!

~ the quickest

Sunday, May 10, 2009

-- tweet tweettt

-- iight, so of course like everybody else said, as did i//
-- "twitter is stupid, what the hell is the point of it??" --
\\but i couldnt help myself. :D follow me !;;



Tuesday, April 21, 2009

-- busy, busy

-- well, damn//its 's been a min since i posted something//but anyway
end of the school year comin, so you know how that goes..//jus tryin to make it out. but yehh - -
just felt like postin' somethin;; minds kind of [b l a n k)... =\


Saturday, March 28, 2009

-- opinions .

-- sometimes i think..; why do people judge so quick..but be the very first person to say that they don't want to be judged?//the same people that when they get the first impression on you, say for instance, bad, they take that && run with it -- sometimes i also wonder why people are quick to cast out the things that they don't understand so quickly..//

maybe i'm just rambling ... =P

Monday, March 16, 2009


-- Do you shop at karmaloop.com??//well shit, you should. Best place to get all the hottest gear out Like [LRG, Burton, Crooks & Castles, Artful Dodger, etc.] && is always giving out crazy deals. Even if you don't know any of those brands, I guarantee that you'll still find something you like.

BUT IF YOU DO DECIDE TO ORDER? USE THIS LINK --> http://www.karmaloop.com/index.asp?rcode=AK30380


You will get a 20% discount, && trust me, that shit comes in handy. So check that out.

-two fingers-

~ quick.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

-- kidnappings..

-- Haleigh Cummings.
a five year old Caucasian white girl was kidnapped on February 10th, 2009.
I witnessed when they first brought this up, watching the news while getting dressed for school.
Its march 14th. I was flipping through channels, & they still were talking about the story, interviewing people, and still searching the house. I was a little thrown off by this. Immediately I thought, there's no way in hell they would keep searching if this was a little black girl.. I mean, no offense, it would be wonderful & all if they could find Haleigh, but seriously..why is it that they can search for months on end for a little white girl, but call off a search when the only white football player survives the fishing boat turning over, but the other black guys were supposedly "lost at sea".//of course their bodies would have been eaten by sharks most likely...BUT THE POINT IS.
Its been weeks since they had no lead to the little girl..they probably would give a little black girl about 7 days until they declare her dead/lost.

-sad yet obvious truth, we will all never be equal, at least not in this lifetime-

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


--is it me, or is it fucking impossible to get a job now.//i made a terrible mistake quitting my first job before i found a better one.//muthafuck...

>:[ <-- angry.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


--i'm stuck between a rock && a hard place.
//plain && simple..=\

Sunday, March 1, 2009

♫--lets talk about music.

--where can I start;;i used not really enjoy music when I was younger..[i have no idea why] but now, its almost a necessity.\\but i guess where im really trying to get to is, since when do we categorize music.?\\i mean really. "just because I'm black don't mean i cant listen to green day"[friday the 13th]-->&& dat nigga was damn well right;;but im not a green day fan. :P //shyd, i listen to all types of music;from lil wayne(he fell off though)&&Drake-->down to earlier MC's like Mos Def,Talib,Common && my nigga J Dilla..shyd, N*E*R*D is that[fire]// hell i even listen to Japanese [Hip Hop/Music] |nujabes)but the point being is that, |All) music should be enjoyed by |All) types of groups.--like i had this one girl the other day, goin through my ipod like "why you got all this weird music" && im like, why my music gotta be weird, just because its somethin you dont listen too.//thing about me is, i have a [high] respect for quality music, && lyrics people put work into, not somethin thought of in 5 mins. --feel me?--

--music--[its like a supernatural vacation//just chill&&do you]

Saturday, February 21, 2009

.first '09 heartache pt.2//[a lil lazy with this one]

---well you know the story i told before? sounded like it would end with a happy ending right? WRONG. it all started around before christmas, everything was going all good, we made plans to spend the christmas break together, and EVERYTHING. im sittin here like, hell yeah, this is gonna be a good ass christmas. so the days go by an i start to hear even less & less from her. by this time, my mind is just completely set on who i wanted to be with, an of course you know, its her. so i txted her one morning, jus to see what she was up to. && i KNOW[and yall should know what im talkin bout] that when people send you those SHORT ass lil txt msg's like [yea, oh, ok, nothing] they either dont want to talk to you or they must be busy, but check this out. i ask her if shes busy an she says, [not really]. so im like, oh. well ok damn. so i let it go for a lil, an hours pass, an she barely even makes an attempt to hit me up. ok, i wasnt pointin fingers or nothin, i didn't accuse her of doing anything, but i DID say, "hey, you've been actin a lil non-challant lately, whats up??" an she FIRES OFF. sayin shid like, [OH, so thats what you think?? i thought you knew how i felt?? i tell you all the time, && now i feel like im wasting my time because you dont know how i feel.]--what the fuck--i said "i mean, you haven't even been attempting to hit me up for the past couple days an i was jus wondering, i mean, im sorry." mind you, this happend probably around..the 18th//19th of dec. i had been appologizing my ass off all the way until chrismas day..//&& for what. i even asked if we could at least talk about it. but nah//"she was like, i dont even feel like dealin with it" && im like, well damn, i know i cant just have anybody forgive me that quick, but she was ready to cut the cord, close the door && swallow the damn key without even talkin bout it.//i know i may have hurt her feelings but;;i think that i got her madd, or "hurt" wayy to easy;;an it seemed a lil fishy..//but ima skip ahead--->>we fell off, havent been talkin all break, [[worse christmas break]]//she hits me up randomly like almost 2/3 weeks later, an we started talkin again,,jokin again, an then she tells me she misses me.|| hmm. so like a damn sucker, i fell back into it again. we back talkin on the phone && everything.//so one weekend i go back over her house, && it was nice..we chilled, listen to alot of music, laughed, played.//but sometimes she was actin a lil funny..i dont know what it was..//im very obvservant. an somethin didnt click, but i tried to ignore it.//so i had a lil fun about 20minz before i left.;;&& after, it seemed a LIL akward wen i was leaving, like she was ready for me to go or somethin. so im like okk?//so i gave her a lil kiss -&&- left.//wasnt like the last time,,cuz shid last time wen we was finished & she left she was like you [better] text me wen i leave;;i layed it down quite nicely last time..lol//--->so ahead again,,same shid, she starts hittin me up less. I'm like ok..wtf?;;i just told her, im confused..whats going on?//she told me that,,i wouldn't understand..&& she knows that she hasn't been talkin, && feedin me excuse after excuse..by that time i told her, iight. i understand. && she was like "no babe, i dont think you do" i didnt know what the fuck that meant, but i knew it meant that we weren't gonna be(ok so i contradicted myself there, shut the hell up).//on top of that she says that she thinks we should just be friends cuz she didn't want to hurt me or confuse me. and she blows me off on v-day.//(ouch) so we havent talked since then. --what makes it worse?? i go to her facebook page after v-day and see a pic of her with some other nigga kissin her all on her neck.|| talk about gettin played.[lol] only thing i got to remember her is her earrings from wen we first chilled.;;&& i left mine at her house, what a coincidence huh?[but there not gonna stay here for long..i just havent figured out what to do with em since there her "favorite"//i COULD jus be a nigga an toss them bitches in the woods. but, nah..//ive done 1/2 girls like that before, [not recently//waaaay back] but i knew they liked me, && right after we did what we did, i acted funny;;[im the bad guy now huh?]but i never "asked" them for it..if you know what i mean//ANYWAY;;ive learned a valuble lesson\\karma is defiantly a bitch. && she will wreak havoc on a nigga ANYtime she wants to//theres always somebody that can play that game too, && probably better than you..&& it kinda burns..=\ --
so don't fuck wit anybodys emotions. it'll come back, whether it be a long time ago, or recent.

Monday, February 16, 2009

.first '09 heartache pt.1// [caution: pretty big ass story.]

so basically..;; november 20th-'08[8:25pm]//i received a facebook messege from this female: dark brown skinn, black hair down to her shoulder; chinky eyes; ohh she was sexy, or so thats what i thought =p, an still think to this day||but enough rambling, she asks me if she's seen me anywhere, an the conversation grows, honestly, i believe i have the lowest possible ["game"] when it comes to talking to girls but damnit i tryy, an i dont look like a loser;;but some how we actually hit it off an i ended up getting her number. before you know it, were on the phone till like 3am jus talkin it up;; an then we move on to lil things like textin eachother in the morning to wake eachother up an wish eachother goodnite//by this time we havent even met eachother, thing is, she was out of school and takin a gap year working, an i was[an still am] a senior in high school. everytime the weekend comes she had to work, an so did i. finally we found time to chill,,it was saturday evening. i envited her over my house, jus to chill, an NO, i wasnt jus bringin her over to "get in", cuz i was really feelin this girl, an its been a LOOOONG, while since i actually felt that way. so she hits me up lettin me know she at the front door, an of course i let her in, she was madd short, like jus breakin the 5ft. barrier...........an i liked it =];; so lead her to my room. ok so im not gonna lie, we were sittin there chillin on the bed, an i was a lil nervous (O.o), but fukk it;; i jus got a lil problem with lookin stupid.--she was on the phone with sprint because apparently she got somethin fukk'd up with her mins so i was like ok, ill jus sit an let her handle that. after about 5 mins of akwardness she got off the phone, an we started talkin, she was even prettier in person...inside my head i was like yeeeeeaaaaah, jackpot.[lame i know]||she layed back an grabbed a pillow an was talkin bout what was goin on with her cell phone bill an all;we were goin back an forth about the situation an i kinda made my move, so i slid over a lil bit an layed beside her so we were like face to face, an all of a sudden she turns around! an im jus sittin there like |OH FUCK|, does my breath stink?! i cuffed my hand when she wasnt lookin took a quick whif before she could turn around, i was minty. so then i was like "whats wrong?" leaning over her, an she was sittin there smiling, i still remember that dimple on her cheek. she was so fukkn cute.--spaz moment-- |excuse me|;; ANYWHO! she said she had chinese food for lunch at work, an her breath might smell like shrimp..lol,, shyd, i aint smell it, so i was like its all good, being me, i tried to make things progress a lil, by reaching for her phone,|BTW|[whats with girls an not lettin anybody see their phones?] cuz she deff. put up a lil fight, not a hard one though, more like, lil playful one, i finally got it, an she hopped up an started going through my stuff. an then soon kinda tackled me an bearhugged//snuggled me. it was much needed, seeing that we had been talking for a couple weeks an havent seen eachother. the night crept along an i had the house alone, so "nature" took its course.[GREAT NIGHT.] untill.... -->pt. 2 soon//